Swallows and Amazons

The sun is shining brightly, the snowdrops are nestling in the grass, and a bevy of Canada Geese are making a real old rumpus as they chase each other around the millstream. I hope they don’t decide to make the bathing platform of my boat their home, as they are very messy creatures. From my […]

Computers! Grrrrr!

As they say, some days are crap! Today is one of those. My computer caught a virus on Thursday, but it seems Spyware Doctor has cured it. But maybe not, as now my PC won’t let me type anything! A real Doctor is coming over on Monday, so maybe he can bring it back to […]

Snow and Sunshine

The Little bridge in the snow Today it’s gloriously sunny, and I’ve just walked across the bridge spanning the river at Marsh Lock. Still lots of snow and ice around, but I’ve really been testing how slippery my route to Brian and Jane’s house is, because this evening their ballroom will become the venue for […]