I hate wire coat hangers with a vengeance! If any manage to venture into my wardrobe they instantly seem to mate with each other – causing me to swear loudly when I attempt to untangle them. If my bedroom was big enough I now know how to solve the problem – by hiring this 12ft […]

From a Hoot to a Coot

After seeing the England vs. Algeria football game the other evening the less said about that and the accompanying hoots the better. So, what of the coots? The nest is still there on the bathing platform of my boat, and of the original seven eggs as of today the mother is sitting on three little […]

What a Hoot!

Yesterday evening a friend came over to watch England’s first match in the World Cup in South Africa. Having set ourselves up with cider, Kettle Chips and a flag for her to wave, we settled down to enjoy the game. At the stadium the sound of thousands of 127-decibel, 3 ft long vuvuzelas eerily resembling […]

A Novel Way to be Cheered Up!

We collected all the paintings on Wednesday morning from the gallery – the walls of my flat are now happy again. I sold a few prints and a book, but the most surprising sale was a small nude I painted of my friend and fellow artist, Paula, a few years ago. It was bought by […]