
It’s really been a very cold week with temperatures below zero most of the time. But winter weather and the month of February mean snowdrops. So on Sunday my young friend and I drove over to Welford Park where the snowdrops were at their best. I’ve seen fields of bluebells before, but never fields of […]

Shadows and Surprises

After a week of cloud, rain and miserable weather, my young friend and I decided to visit Clivedon on Sunday afternoon. However when we got there it seemed the whole population of England had had the same idea. Absolutely full. So we threaded our way through fields of parked cars to the exit and drove […]

Back to Work

I’ve been back home for just over a week and finally got rid of jet-lag. It’s always worse coming from America as I find it’s very easy to oversleep, whereas from Asia I may feel a bit sleepy in the evenings but rise with the lark in the mornings. On our last day in Las […]