Painting the colour black

As I’m painting a portrait of a headmaster wearing his black gown I asked an artist friend of mine how to achieve a really ‘colourful’ black in oil paints. If I’m painting a black subject in watercolour I usually paint with the tip of my brush tiny strokes or dots. In this way I leave […]

Primary School Days

This morning I drove to Caversham Primary School – not to learn anything, but to be part of a live 3 hour BBC Berkshire broadcast about primary schools in Berkshire. Anne Diamond was interviewing a number of us who attended primary schools in the county. I was one of three who went to the school […]


When I was a small boy during the war we only had a few books at home. But I clearly remember my all time favourite. It was called ‘Widgery Winks In The Wide World.’ I followed Widgery’s adventures avidly and remembered long passages from the book for many years. Of course it disappeared long ago […]