Symonds Yat

During our stay We spent the weekend in a most delightful part of the world – Symonds Yat in the Forest of Dean. We climbed to the cliff top, which is now a scheduled ancient monument.  About 2,500 years ago the summit provided a good vantage point for its Iron Age inhabitants who built a […]

Bedding the Banana

The frosts will soon be here. So before they do my young friend decided to tuck up her banana plant carefully for the coming winter. Very sadly she took her secaters and chopped off the leaves – even though they looked perfectly healthy – and then decapitated the fat stem.  She then encircled the plant […]

Time Flies!

Where are the weeks going! Edward de Bono gave an explanation for why time passes more quickly as you get older. For example, when I was seven years old, if I asked my mother for an ice cream and she said I could have one in an hour, the equivalent time for me today (being […]